Industry-Specific Incentives

Incentives are available to qualifying relocating and expanding companies on a case-by-case basis with job creation, quality of wages and capital investment being the significant deciding factors. Learn more about the opportunities for companies in specific industry verticals.

Matching Grants

The cornerstone Matching Grants Research Program (MGRP) from the Florida High Tech Corridor Council fosters applied research engaging high tech industry partners with a presence in our 23-county region and researchers from the University of Central Florida, the University of South Florida and the University of Florida.

By matching investments in research and development, we enable companies to maximize their budgets and tap into the expertise of faculty and student researchers from three of the nation’s largest research institutions. Students often become employees of the companies they work within the program and industry partners routinely form lasting research relationships with the universities.

Since 1996, the MGRP has delivered an incredible return, generating downstream impacts of more than $1 billion and impacting thousands of lives through education and life-changing breakthroughs.

Local Incentives

Orange County Job Creation Initiative

The Orange County Property Tax Exemption allows the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) the ability to approve property tax exemptions to qualified new and existing businesses that are expanding in Orange County for the purpose of creating new jobs. 

The program authorizes the County to grant qualifying businesses a temporary County property tax exemption of up to 100 percent on new capital improvement and/or equipment purchases for up to 10 years.

Seminole County Job Growth Incentive

The Economic Development Department of Seminole County initiated a Jobs Growth Incentive Fund in 1995 for companies creating new jobs. Seminole County will consider awarding funds for expenses such as impact and permit fees, relocation costs, equipment purchases, land acquisition, building construction, loan interest pay-down, lease-hold improvements or any other legitimate business expense as determined by the Board of County Commissioners. Special consideration will be given to projects seeking to locate in targeted redevelopment areas. Preference will be given to projects that will be constructing new buildings. This program is available to new, and expanding companies in Seminole County.

City of Orlando Business Assistance Program

The Business Assistance Program (BAP) is a matching grant program designed to encourage small businesses to locate, expand or redevelop in the City of Orlando.

BAP provides matching funds to new and expanding businesses in the city to assist in off-setting development fees, including sewer and transportation impact fees, building permit fees, and all elements of public right-of-way infrastructure within the City’s jurisdiction that may require new installation, repair, replacement or relocation.

Osceola County Manufacturing Equipment Refunds

Companies that purchase qualified NEW manufacturing machinery and equipment that will be used in manufacturing.  Machinery and Equipment is defined as equipment purchased and used at a fixed location in Osceola County to manufacture, process, compound, or produce tangible personal property for sale.

Site-Specific Incentives

Incentives are awarded to companies that generate business and create new jobs. Learn more about the opportunities for companies in on certain development sites.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Florida Brownfields Association

Brownfield Programs

Incentives to businesses that locate in Brownfield sites, which are underutilized industrial or commercial sites due to actual or perceived environmental contamination.  Brownfields can be found in the cities of Casselberry, Eustis, Maitland, Orlando, Sanford, Tavares, Winter Garden, and Winter Springs.

Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA)

Areas targeted for redevelopment and/or revitalization can be found in these cities in the Orlando region:

Additional CRA Programs


Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZones) are urban/rural community or tracts of land with below average median income and/or above average unemployment that has been targeted for small business development.

learn more about Incentives

Incentives are available to qualifying relocating and expanding companies on a case-by-case basis with job creation, quality of wages and capital investment being the significant deciding factors.